- Tips and tricks
Currently there are different types of olive oil, which are differentiated by the method of obtaining and the origin of the olive.
In this case we are going to talk about the Arbequina olive oil, which is obtained from the Arbequina olive and comes from the towns of Lérida and Tarragona. Today, the Arbequina olive can be found practically in any corner of Spain, although its production is concentrated more in Aragon and Catalonia.
Distinctive features of Arbequina olive oil
This type of extra virgin olive oil is characterized by being a sweet olive oil, it does not have any bitter aftertaste as it can happen to other types of olive oils. In some cases it can happen that the Arbequina oil leaves a small peak in the throat, which indicates that it is a fresh olive oil.
Arbequina olive is a small olive which does not reach even two grams. Despite not being very large, you can extract much more oil than other olives because it is very greasy; It is also one of the first in the harvest of the season.
This type of olive oil, from the Arbequina olive, is one of the most successful choices for all those who like the mild olive oil and give a good flavor to the meals.
Another feature that arbequina oil has is a peculiar aroma, similar to fruity, banana or apple. This unique aroma is due to its high level of polyunsaturated acids. These acids tend to be more unstable than monounsaturated acids, typical of oleic acid. Therefore, this type of olive oil is more unstable with respect to others from another type of olive.
Arbequina, unlike the rest, has a fairly high percentage of oleic acid which is beneficial for all those who have high bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol, helps regulate this mismatch.
What is the composition of Arbequina olive oil?
The composition of this type of olive oil depends mainly on the area in which it is cultivated since the climatic conditions and the date of the harvest are also determining when it comes to knowing the chemical composition of the same.
The usual percentages among which round Arbequina olive oil are usually reflected in the following values:
Oleic Acid: Between 60 and 75%
Palmitic acid: Between 11 and 17%
Linoleic Acid: Between 9 and 16%
These percentages, we can say that they are the intermediate ones between which the Arbequina oil oscillates, but as we have said before, this can vary.
What is the most common use of Arbequina olive oil?
Arbequina oil has a sweet and mild flavor that makes it peculiar also in the kitchen. These characteristics allow it to be used to make more things than the rest of olive oils that are harder.
Arbequina olive oil is usually one of the first ones that are given to taste to the smallest of the house, since its characteristic will enrich your meals.
It is also used for the preparation of soft or delicate sauces, such as mayonnaise. Other olive oils would not be advisable to make sauces of this marked style.
We can say that its use is also recommended in the baking sector and can work as a substitute for butter in the preparation of biscuits or cakes.
Another of its most common uses is for salad dressing, since being soft and a little sweet, it fits perfectly with ingredients such as apple, kiwi or raisins.
For lovers of rich and healthy breakfasts, Arbequina extra virgin olive oil is the ideal ally for toast in the morning, accompanied by a very hot coffee.
This type of extra virgin olive oil is also recommended to make fish and seafood, such as anchovies in vinegar or salmon marinades.
What is the difference between hojiblanca, picual, and arbequina olive oil?
In Spain there is a wide variety of olive oils, among them, monovarietals such as Hojiblanca, Arbequina or Picual. This type of olive oil is characterized because it is obtained directly from the extraction of the olive, it is not necessary to mix it with any other variety.
Although these three olive oils are monovarietal, each one is differentiated by a small nuance, be it flavor, density or color.
In the first place, Hojiblanca olive oil has a whiter color than the other two due to the underside of its leaves.
The Hojiblanca olive is one of the most resistant to the abuse suffered in the harvest. In some cases they have some resistance to detachment, so their collection can be difficult.
From Hojiblanca olive oil we can obtain other types of oils with touches more golden, vegetable flavors with a certain sweet touch but in the end it will always leave us a little spicy touch on the palate.
As for the Hojiblanca extra virgin olive oil composition, it contains fatty acids in a very balanced way with saturated acids. It has 75% oleic acid and 7% linoleic acid. It is one of the most recommended oils when it comes to dieting.
On the other hand we have Picual olive oil, which comes from Jaén. The name of this olive has its origin in the pointy shape that it presents. It is an olive that has a high productivity.
When the oil obtained from this type of olives is with a bitter touch and that leaves a soft itch in the mouth. It is often said that it is an olive oil that has its own personality. Its taste is rather intense, unlike Arbequina oil, which is much softer and sweeter.
This type of extra virgin olive oil is usually used to flavor hams, sausages or cheeses. We can also use it in salads, as long as you like to give it an intense and spicy touch.
Regarding its composition, it has a high content of polyphenols which make it a very stable oil with respect to others. It has a wide variety of antioxidants and can contain 80% monounsaturated oleic acid and 4% linoleic acid. This oil in excess can be harmful to health.
As a conclusion, both Arbequina oil, Hojiblanca oil and Picual oil are extra virgin olive oils that each have a touch that makes them special and you can like everyone.
Each one has a series of features and properties, depending on how you like the taste of olive oil, you will opt for one or the other, but all three have beneficial health properties as long as we do not overuse their consumption.
If you want to know more information, do not hesitate to contact us through our website of Oliva del Sur. In our olive oil shop you can find all the information you need, and you can also buy the products that best suit your tastes. If you have any questions or need advice, ask us! We will be happy to help you and get you the product that best suits you.